Johnson Muthama: Why I was not Appointed CS

Johnson Muthama: Why I was not Appointed CS
Johnson Muthama: Why I was not Appointed CS
Muthama was one of Ruto loyalists who never made it to the list of 22 cabinet members President William Ruto named last month.
Former Machakos Senator and current UDA chairman Johnson Muthama has broken his silence after he missed out on the list if men and women who President William Ruto appointed to serve in his Cabinet.
In an interview with TV47, Muthama disclosed that those who supported the UDA party to the presidency are millions of people and all can not be rewarded with cabinet slots.
“We are 50 million Kenyans. Putting into consideration who voted for the UDA is 50 plus 1 percent. So 49 percent we assume they did not vote for UDA. So that means to accommodate everybody who went to vote for UDA will qualify to have very serious positions. That means we will need to have 25 million positions,” Muthama said.
He added:
“Of that matter, if you take the number that voted for UDA of about 7.2 million people, you need that number of CSs. There are those who work for others to benefit. There are those who love this country so much that they cannot consider the contribution they make on how it can be paid or be compensated. I am one of those who work and make others live well.”
The former senator, who vied for Machakos Governor seat and lost to Wiper’s Wavinya Ndeti, further said he is certain that he will get a role that he will play.
He stated that he is keen on working so that otherscan benefit.
“I am not worried. I never demanded to be a CS. But I want to assure you one thing, I would be in the leadership as I have been before playing a role that unite Kenya. I am getting something very soon. I am getting something that will make me in a position to play football as a distributor. As player number six.”
Muthama was one of Ruto loyalists who never made it to the list of 22 cabinet members President William Ruto named last month.
The cabinet nominees are awaiting vetting by the National Assembly before taking their new roles.