Training of examiners to kick off on this date

Training of examiners to kick off on this date

Training of examiners to kick off on this date

Teachers who want to serve as examiners for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education will receive training from the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) (KCSE).

The training will be  conducted from September 18 to September 24 in 2022.

The qualified applicants will be informed later of the training location. The cost of the residential training exercise is Kshs 10,500.

The KNEC examiners database will include the successful trainees. They will then be hired based on the requirements while applying the examiner recruiting criteria.

There is no need to apply for the training if a teacher has already received examination training and is listed in the KNEC database of examiners.


Primary school teachers should undergo the following training to become KCPE examiners:


1.1 English Composition 901/1

1.2 Kiswahili Insha 902/1


Secondary school teachers to train as KCSE examiners in the following papers;


3.1 Standard requirements for all trainee examiners

3.1.1 The candidate must be an active teacher in the concerned subject areas at the level of the exam.

3.1.2 Must be engaged by the Teachers Service Commission or registered with it (TSC).

3.1.3 have a minimum KCPE score of P1 and a minimum KCSE grade of C (simple) in the topic for which they are applying to train.

3.1.4 For KCSE grading, you need to have a diploma in education or higher.

3.1.5 Have a minimum of three (3) years of teaching experience.

3.1.6 Must NOT be subject to an interdiction or any other TSC disciplinary action.

3.1.7 must have his or her institution’s head’s recommendation,

3.1.8 Must be 50 years old or younger.


4.1 Candidates must complete the following.

4.1.1 Use the URL to access the Knec examiners portal.

4.1.2 Cp2 account holders should use their usernames and passwords to access the portal.

4.1.3 To recover their usernames and passwords, those who don’t have passwords should click the “Reset Password” option, enter their cellphone number in the format 2547********, and then submit.

4.1.4 If you don’t already have a Cp2 account, click the button to create one and follow the instructions to set up your profile.

4.1.5 Complete your personal profile after successfully logging in, then save. The trainees can choose from any of the declared openings by selecting Apply for Training from the dashboard.

Only eligible teachers who have supplied all necessary information will be shortlisted for the exercise because there are a limited number of training seats available.

Chief Executive Officer

The Kenya National Examinations Council


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