TSC Explains The New Changes In The Teacher’s payroll
TSC Explains The New Changes In The Teacher’s payroll
TSC Explains The New Changes In The Teacher’s payroll
The recent adjustments to the teacher payroll have been explained by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).On April 4, 2023, Dr. Nancy Macharia announced the introduction of the Unified Payroll Number (UPN) on teacher payroll in a circular from TSC Dare.
The adoption follows the Head of the Public Service’s order from last August.
On August 4, 2022, the Head of the Public Service informed all Public Service organizations of the National Government’s decision to adopt the Unified Human Resource System (UHR), an integrated human resources system.
The system will serve as a single platform for data relating to public sector human resources, including payroll data.
The move toward an integrated data platform comes in response to the CARPS Report’s (2015) recommendations, which included one that called for the creation of a “Unified Human Resource and Payroll Number generating system (UHR and IJPN) for the Public Service.”
In this sense, the Unified Payroll Numbers (UPN) Allocation System requires that every public employee have a permanent unique identity number.
As a result, starting in March 2023, TSC will assign a UPN number to each of its payroll members, including teachers. The Employee’s Pay Slip or Teacher’s Payroll includes both the tsc/ EmpIoyment number and the UPN, also known as the payroll number on the T-Pay System.