TSC Guide For Promotion Of Teachers And Salary Increment 2022/2023
TSC Guide For Promotion Of Teachers And Salary Increment 2022/2023
TSC Guide For Promotion Of Teachers And Salary Increment 2022/2023
In order to inspire teachers in Kenya, the Teachers Service Commission, or TSC, promotes them. Promotions are intended to reward performance, manage succession, and increase chances for career advancement. Your basic salary and allowances are therefore increased in accordance with your promotion.
After the three teachers’ unions and the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) signed the $5.4 billion collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for the years 2017 to 2021, the TSC promptly modified the grading system for elementary and secondary teachers.
To grade and advance teachers to various grades, TSC developed the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG).
In the opinion of the Commission, CPG are precise guidelines created to help the Commission implement CBAs.
The only grade taught exclusively by teachers in primary schools is grade B5. All primary school teachers must enter Grade 5, which is in T-Scale 5, often known as Primary Teacher II. This category includes all freshly hired teachers.
A new hire in the job group B5 will be a primary school teacher. After three years of service, a teacher in Grade B5 is automatically promoted to Grade C1.
According to CPG, elevating teachers from B5 to C1 does not require any more schooling or interviews. To be automatically promoted to C1, one simply needs to have served in B5 for three years.
Promotion of teachers Grade C1 to C2
Grade C1 to C2 teacher promotions
For secondary school teachers with Diplomas in Education, grade C1 is the entry level. This group includes Primary Teacher I, Secondary Teacher III, and Lecturer I. Additionally, these tutors do not receive pay raises.
Teachers who have taught in Grade B5 for three years in primary school are automatically promoted to Grade C1. Grade C1 primary school teachers, sometimes referred to as Primary Teachers 1, are below T-Scale 6.
Primary school teachers are not automatically promoted from Grade C1 to Grade C2. A promotion for primary school teachers is grade C2. It serves as a starting point for the administrative cadre as well. Entry into this grade is competitive and contingent upon openings.
For one to be promoted for this Grade, he/she must apply online when TSC makes an advert. A teacher must have served for at least three years in Grade C1 in addition to having the required qualifications which is a minimum of a Diploma.
A secondary school teacher in Grade C1 is also known as Secondary Teachers II. Secondary school Diploma teachers in Grade C1 will then move to Grade C2 automatically after serving for three years.
Grade C2 is assigned to senior teachers in primary education. For primary school teachers, this grade signifies a promotion.
In the administrative cadre, it serves as a first grade. The availability of openings and the competition make admission to this grade not automatic.
For at least three years as a Primary Teacher I in T-Scale 6, an individual must have held that position before being promoted to this grade.
Additionally, TSC intends to encourage primary school teachers who are currently in the classroom to consider secondary school teaching after receiving their degrees.
Grade C2 is the starting point for primary school teachers who are transferred to secondary institutions.
A promotion for diploma teachers in secondary schools is Grade C2. After working for three years in Grade C1, diploma teachers are automatically promoted to Grade C2.
A promotion interview is required for a secondary school diploma teacher to advance from Grade C2 to Grade C3. Not automatically.
Graduating teachers in secondary education must enter Grade 2. When hired by TSC, every secondary school teacher with a degree begins in this grade.
After serving for three years, secondary school graduates immediately advance to Grade 3.
Below are different salaries and allowances paid to teachers in Grade B5, C1, C2 and C3
Grade | TSC Scale | Basic Pay Minimum | Basic Pay Maximum |
B5 | 5 | 21,756 | 27,195 |
C1 | 6 | 27,195 | 33,994 |
C2 | 7 | 34,955 | 43,694 |
C3 | 8 | 43,154 | 53,943 |
Grade | TSC Scale | Hardship Allowance |
B5 | 5 | 6,600 |
C1 | 6 | 8,200 |
C2 | 7 | 10,900 |
C3 | 8 | 12,300 |
Grade | TSC Scale | Commuter Allowance |
B5 | 5 | 4,000 |
C1 | 6 | 4,000 |
C2 | 7 | 5,000 |
C3 | 8 | 6,000 |
Grade | TSC Scale | Disability Guide Allowance |
B5 | 5 | 20,000 |
C1 | 6 | 20,000 |
C2 | 7 | 20,000 |
C3 | 8 | 20,000 |