TSC Issues Clarification On Replacement Of Teachers
TSC Issues Clarification On Replacement Of Teachers

TSC Issues Clarification On Replacement Of Teachers
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced its commitment to replacing all instructors who left their positions during the fourth quarter of this year due to natural attrition across the nation. This initiative will involve replacing over 1000 Teachers who departed from the workforce in July and August. TSC plans to promptly announce these vacant positions to ensure that students’ education is not disrupted.
The CEO of TSC has addressed ongoing rumors regarding this process and urged teachers to exercise patience. Once the advertisement for these positions is finalized, TSC will inform all teachers through their official social media platforms. The commission aims to publish a comprehensive list of available positions, including details about the schools where these positions are located and the subject combinations required.
It’s worth noting that successful applicants may be assigned to serve anywhere in the nation, not just in their region of recruitment, as clarified by Macharia, the TSC representative. All open teaching positions will be posted on the official TSC website for easy access and reference during the application process.
The shortage of teachers in Kenyan schools, primarily caused by the 100% transition program initiated by former President Uhuru Kenyatta, has posed challenges for schools’ progress and policy implementation. Currently, there is an estimated shortage of approximately 38,054 teachers in elementary schools and a more severe shortage of around 58,291 instructors in post-primary institutions due to the transition from primary schools. Overall, the TSC believes there is a teacher deficit of roughly 96,000 in Kenyan schools.
Furthermore, technical and vocational training college are in need of approximately 5,000 additional teachers due to their size. The government is actively working on a plan to increase the number of teachers in all public schools and create a more welcoming work environment for educators nationwide.