TSC online transfer status , how to check

TSC online transfer status ,how to check

TSC Online Transfer Status, How To Check

2023 TSC Online Transfer Status, How To Check. Teachers are currently being transferred to their home counties by the tsc

As opposed to before, TSC now handles these transfers online.

Teachers can apply for transfers and check the status using the online portal.

This system allows you to keep track of your application throughout each step of the procedure until it is approved.

How to Check Your TSC Transfer Status Online in an Easy Way

Teachers who have submitted applications are recommended to check the status of their submissions online before transferring:

Here is how to verify the progress of your TSC transfer application:

Visit the TSC’s official online registration status page at https://TSC

Next, select application status.

Enter your passport number or personal ID pin, then click “OK.”

You will then get a mail confirming your application.

New guidelines that are now used to evaluate teachers who request to be transferred were listed by the teachers service commission.

The commission approved and transferred all 14,733 delocalized teachers when these new guidelines were being implemented.

Even with this statement, not every teacher who requests a transfer will be approved, according to the employer of the teacher.

Considerations for teacher transfers

To effect the transfer, TSC must take these criteria into account;

  1. the teacher’s age
  2. the teacher’s health,
  3. The teachers with diverse abilities
  4. Transfers on promotions are one type of transfer.
  5. proximity of the teachers to their county of origin.

Moreover, TSC considers the following elements:

  1. size of the school population
  2. the school’s performance
  3. individual teacher and family factors, and the school category.

Furthermore take note that TSC will not transfer teachers who are 56 years of age or older to a different county.

Also, teachers who can prove they have legitimate health problems will not be transferred.

Moreover, transfers for teachers who live with alternate needs will no longer be made.

They must stay in their home counties just in case this does occur.

TSC Contact Details

TSC Address

TSC House, Kilimanjaro Avenue

The Private Bag 00100, Nairobi kenya

Telephone : (020) 289-2000 0722 208 552 or 0777 208 552.

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