TSC posts employment openings for senior tutors.
TSC posts employment openings for senior tutors.
TSC posts employment openings for senior tutors.
Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has advertised promotions for over 14,000 senior teachers in line with Career Progression Guidelines.
TSC Secretary Nancy Macharia urged interested candidates who meet the required qualifications to submit their applications online through the commission’s portal by January 23.
“Pursuant to its mandate, the commission invites applications from suitably qualified teachers for the posts in line with teachers’ CPG,” Macharia said in a notice published yesterday.
Commission advertised four vacancies for Teacher Teaching Colleges Chief Principal in Grade D5.
TSC is also seeking to promote 13,713 principals, deputy principals, senior masters, secondary teachers, head teachers and deputy head teachers in secondary and primary schools.
The highest vacancies in this category are Deputy Head Teacher II for regular primary schools, which has 7,720 posts.
TSC will also promote 2,733 head teachers for regular primary schools, 1,330 secondary teacher I, 725 Deputy Principal II, 602 principals for regular schools, 224 Deputy Principal III for secondary schools and some 208 Senior Master II.
There are also 73 vacancies for regular secondary school chief principals, 32 head teachers for Special Needs Education (SNE), 22 Deputy Head teachers for SNE schools, 17 posts for Deputy Principal I, eight principals for SNE and four Chief Principals for SNE schools.
TSC has also advertised 1,020 vacancies for teachers deployed as principals, deputy principals, teachers and deputy head teachers in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) and hard-to-staff counties.
Contracting process
Some of the counties in this category are Baringo to cover Baringo North, Tiaty East, Tiaty West and Marigat sub-counties, Homa Bay covering Suba and Mbita, Kajiado for Mashuuru, Loitoktok and Kajiado West sub-counties, Kilifi’s Magarini Ganze areas.
Others are Isiolo, Kitui, Kwale, Mandera, Marsabit, Narok, Samburu, Taita Taveta, Tana River, Turkana, Wajir and West Pokot.
In this category, the highest vacancies are for Senior Teacher II at 284 followed by Senior Teacher I at 223, Deputy Head teacher II at 195, some 90 Senior Master IV among other ranks.
“Applicants for vacancies in ASAL and hard-to-staff counties will be required to upload the letter of deployment to the current responsibility during application. Candidates who will be successful in the interviews will be required to present valid Chapter Six documents before they are considered for appointment,” Macharia said. For the four Chief Principal vacancies, applicants will be required to have served as Senior Principal at T- Scale 14 for a minimum period of three years, have satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal and performance contracting process, meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution and meet any other requirement deemed necessary by the Commission.
The call for application comes against the backdrop of an uproar from National Assembly Education Committee seeking an explanation from TSC on delayed promotions.
The lawmakers urged TSC to explain why the commission failed to employ and promote about 15,000 teachers, some of whom have been stagnating in one position for more than five years.
The commission, however, regretted they had for the past decade not been granted additional budgetary allocations for the promotion of teachers except in July 2017 when money was allocated for salary review based on the job evaluation report conducted by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission.
For the last two weeks, TSC has also been receiving applications from teachers seeking recruitment, an exercise, which will close today.
“We thank the Government for finding resources to allow us to recruit an average of 30,550 teachers in an exercise we are expected to conclude next month. I wish to urge all unemployed teachers to apply for their jobs and inform the public that we have until December 23 for the applications,” said Macharia.