kind of Teachers who will not be promoted as per TSC
kind of Teachers who will not be promoted as per TSC
kind of Teachers who will not be promoted as per TSC
In the upcoming fourth promotion exercise for teachers, the Central Regional TSC Quality and Standards Officer Cecilia Mutua stated that the commission will only advance teachers who are inhabitants of counties within the Central Region.
According to her, some non-resident teachers who are applying for promotions afterwards ask to be transferred back to their home counties.
If we promote teachers, they will return to their home counties, leaving us with the additional responsibility of replacing them, so we will be very severe about only promoting locals, according to Mutua.
The commission, according to Mutua, will engage JSS and primary school teachers according to the same standards, with local registered teachers receiving priority over foreign applicants.
She invited registered teachers from the Central area to apply for the positions.
Mutua further emphasised that the commission has adequate primary and secondary school heads on staff to ensure the seamless operation of the institutions and the delivery of high-quality education.
Speaking at Kinango Secondary School as part of Nyandarua County Education Day, Mutua pledged that the TSC will keep working to lower the rate of understaffing in the Central Region’s educational institutions.
Four counties make up the Central Region: Kiambu, Muranga, Kirinyaga, and Nyandarua.
TSC says It will Not Promote Non-local Teachers
She advised all educators, including principals, to make the most of students’ potential in order to maximise their progress in both academic and extracurricular pursuits.
In order to maintain the high standards of the teaching profession, she also took use of the opportunity to urge all Governors in the Central Region to make sure that all ECDE Teachers are registered by TSC before they are hired by the County Governments .Governor of the Nyandarau County Kiarie Badilisha, a senator, members of the MPS, the Nyandarau County Director of Education Philip Wambua, the Nyandarau TSC Director Tom Akal, representatives from KNUT and KUPPET, and other guests attended the event.