Teachers Express Serious Concerns Regarding TSC Online Transfers

Teachers Express Serious Concerns Regarding TSC Online Transfers
Teachers Express Serious Concerns Regarding TSC Online Transfers
The Teachers Service Commission employs teachers, and they are currently bemoaning a transfer-related issue that they want resolved right away.
A group of teachers claim that this particular problem, which they believe needs more attention, has hindered the online transfer application procedure.
The teachers claim that if a teacher changes
One of the teachers, Peter Nzioka from Machakos, claims he unsuccessfully attempted to rescind a prior transfer request.
Another instructor Willis Chindia, a primary school deputy headmaster in Vihiga, claims that after being successfully transferred to the current school, he attempted to submit a new application, but it was rejected.
Even if the option to cancel a transfer request is present in the online system, teachers are having trouble doing it.
their mind, it is impossible to withdraw a transfer request and submit a new application.
Even if the option to cancel a transfer request is present in the online system, teachers are having trouble doing it.
Nothing changes when a teacher chooses the withdrawal option for a transfer. A teacher cannot submit a new transfer request at this time.
The county’s TSC ICT officials, who are expected to be contacted by the teachers for assistance, frequently do not return calls or emails.
The system grants ICT officers the ability to manage teacher transfer requests, including the ability to withdraw an already submitted request