TSC Teachers Wealth Declaration; Mode of declaration, online link, deadline and penalties for failure to declare

TSC Teachers Wealth Declaration; Mode of declaration, online link, deadline and penalties for failure to declare

TSC Teachers Wealth Declaration; Mode of declaration, online link, deadline and penalties for failure to declare

Section 26 & 27 of the Public Officer Ethics Act (POEA) requires all public officers to declare their Income, Assets and Liabilities (IAL). All teachers are thus expected to fill an online Declaration form.


The Commission in 2017 Introduced an online Declaration Portal. This is the portal to be used for the declarations. Declarations can be made following the steps outlined in the DIALS Manual.


The Declaration Form can be accessed on the Teachers Online Portal Please note that you may also access this portal through your computer, laptop, a smart phone too.


A do-it-yourself instruction manual has also been provided and is available on the TSC website under the Downloads Icon, next to the Declaration link. One may also make the Declaration process by following the prompts in the form after logging in.


All Heads of Institutions are required to monitor the progress of the Declarations in their respective institutions and report all cases of non-Compliance as reflected in line with Part B in the Wealth Declaration Instruction Manual.

(a) All teachers in employment of TSC are required to declare their Income, Assets & Liabilities. These include teachers on:

>Leave (Of whatever kind)



>Sick leave

>Authorized absence from duty

(b). Any teacher in TSC employment who fails to submit a Declaration or gives false or misleading information is liable to a fine of Kshs. 1,000,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding (1) one year or both upon conviction.

(c). It is mandatory for all teachers to have a personal working email address for setting, accessing and resetting individual passwords for the Declaration as applicable. A copy of the submitted Declaration will automatically be sent to the teacher’s email.

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