Lawyer PAUL GICHERU’s employee now reveals exactly what happened to him before he breathed his last
Lawyer PAUL GICHERU’s employee now reveals exactly what happened to him before he breathed his last
Lawyer PAUL GICHERU’s employee now reveals exactly what happened to him before he breathed his last
Lawyer Paul Gicheru’s photo courtesy:
Thursday, September 29, 2022 – Lawyer Paul Gicheru’s employee at his Karen residence has revealed intricate details of the ICC suspect’s final moments before his demise on Monday.
Speaking to the media, the staff divulged that Gicheru had spent the better part of the day in his quarters in his five-bedroomed house, partaking in his favorite white wine.
Despite having three guests; his son, Allan, his wife, and his father-in-law, Gicheru spent the day in his bedroom, coming out on one occasion before returning to his room.
“His wife and father-in-law were there, but he spent the day in his bedroom and only came down once,” the employee intimated.
The servant revealed that the father-in-law left at around 3.30 pm, leaving his wife and his son in the house.
The employee stated that the wife went to check up on Gicheru at 7.00 pm to ask him if he would take dinner, only to find him with foam in his mouth.
The statement contradicted media reports which stated that the son was the first to stumble upon his father’s lifeless body.
In addition, two police statements contradicted the reports as to who found the body first; either the son or the wife. The first report, filed at the Karen Police Station under OB number 54/26/09/22, indicated that the son found his father’s body and informed his mother.
However, a statement released later from the National Police Service revealed that the wife had found Gicheru’s body lying on the bed.
Gicheru’s family has urged the police to expedite investigations to unearth the details that led to their kin’s demise.