Wajackoyah Slams Ruto’s Policy, Cites Democracy, Drums Up His Bhang and Hanging Models

Wajackoyah Slams Ruto’s Policy, Cites Democracy, Drums Up His Bhang and Hanging Models

Wajackoyah Slams Ruto’s Policy, Cites Democracy, Drums Up His Bhang and Hanging Models

Professor George Luchiri Wajackoyah drops a message to president William Ruto following his recently unveiled policies. The Professor was among the top rivals of President William Ruto ahead of the 9th of August general elections where he vied under his Roots party ticket.

Nonetheless, his sentiments seem to have joined his own opposition to provide oversight of the Kenya Kwanza Alliance administration. Since the outcome of the last previous presidential elections, Wajackoyah became among the candidates who conceded and accepted defeat.

Photo courtesy of Roots party leader Professor George Wajackoyah.

Additionally, the Roots party leader did not join any political coalition before and after the general election. Accordingly, he continues battling for political gains under his Roots party.

From his timeline, the professor and former presidential candidate criticize President William Ruto’s compulsory tax registration claiming that it will fail. On the other hand, he cites that compulsory voter registration at 18 years is a democratic policy.

From his political model, he continues to believe in his theory of introducing Bhang and hanging of burglars claiming to be the best option to save the ailing economy.

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